Memorandum of Understanding Template
When is an MOU needed?
The first step is to decide whether any type of agreement is needed among guideline collaborators, and if so, whether an MOU is the most appropriate vehicle. If the groups have not collaborated before, are unfamiliar with each other, have distinct formal governances, or have competing interests, an MOU may be beneficial to avoid misunderstandings. The best time to initiate and complete an MOU or similar document is before any work has been done. Weeks to months may be required for the executive and legal arms of multiple groups to agree on the wording of an MOU. In the event of an update of the guideline, it is recommended that the MOU is reviewed and if necessary, revised. This revised MOU should consider any changes in the goals and objectives of the involved organizations if applicable.
The proposed MOU template for Guideline Collaboration (MOU-GC Version 1.1) below is based on the work and publication of the Guideline Collaboration Working Group, Guidelines International Network (GIN-GCWG) (Alam et al., 2022).
Information Box Group
Reference: Alam M, Getchius TS, Schünemann H, Amer YS, Bak A, Fatheree LA, Ginex P, Jakhmola P, Marsden GL, McFarlane E, Meremikwu M, Taske N, Temple-Smolkin RL, Ventura C, Burgers J, Bradfield L, O’Brien MD, Einhaus K, Kopp IB, Munn Z, Scudeller L, Schaefer C, Ibrahim SA, Kang BY, Ogunremi T, Morgan RL; Guidelines International Network (GIN) Guidelines Collaboration Working Group. A memorandum of understanding has facilitated guideline development involving collaborating groups. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2022 Apr 1;144:8-15.